When using this website, keep in the mind the correct definition of a pesticide: any substance that kills, repels, or otherwise controls any pest. Herbicides (weedkillers), fungicides, rodenticides, insecticides, etc. are all pesticides.
The Just-In-Time Pesticide Info service, developed and maintained by the Pesticide Education and Assessment Program, provides "just-in- time" notice to Maryland stakeholders on pesticide issues. Opportunities to weigh in on issues related to pesticide regulations, registrations, restrictions, approvals, and cancellations are often time-sensitive. A free subscription to the Listserv maximizes the time subscribers have to learn about possible actions, prepare comments, or plan for meetings. Items typically covered by the Listserv include:
- requests for comment on proposed actions such as cancellations, restrictions, or changes in pesticide registrations;
- notification of upcoming pesticide policy-related meetings; and
- other time-sensitive pesticide issues.
To subscribe to Just-In-Time Pesticide Info:
- Send an email to [email protected]
- Send the message from the email address to which you want the information sent.
- The body of the email should contain the line: subscribe pesticide-quickinfo 'your name'
(Replace 'your name' with the appropriate information)